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One of the fastest rising prospects in the Houston Astros system, shortstop Shay Whitcomb has made his name known throughout the 2023 season. Over the course of the year, Whitcomb has put together a statline that includes 21 HR and 57 RBIs. As he plays with the Sugar Land Space Cowboys, the Triple-A affiliate of the Astros, Whitcomb knows how close he is to making to the big leagues. Still, in the midst of the season and pressures, he keeps his focus on faith as he looks to glorify God.

Shay Whitcomb UCSD
Shay signing with his college team, UCSD.
A California native, Whitcomb says that his faith has been an important part of his life since he was born. However, he says it was in high school when he began to really understand God’s love and direction in his life.

“My journey through baseball has been far from predictable, and It’s clear that God’s hand guided all parts of my life. Too many doors were opened at the perfect moment to make clear my path, and there were so many amazing moments that I never expected to happen.”

Shay says that it has also been in the most difficult of times that he has seen God’s light shine through.

“Even at the lowest and hardest times when I couldn’t see the purpose, I realized later, that God was just setting himself up; planning his opportunity to showcase his own glory through me. How special is that!”

After being drafted by the Astros out of UC San Diego, Shay had a great year in Class A and High-A. However, after struggling to find his footing during his second year, Shay says he has learned throughout the ups and downs how God is always in control. Now bouncing back stronger than ever in his third year with the organization, he looks to use his gifts for God’s glory.

“If I claim to live my life for Christ, then he has to be first in all circumstances, and everything else revolves around Him. There are so many important aspects of baseball but they cannot take priority in my life.”

Shay says that the key for him has been finding his value and worth not in his performance, but instead in who God says he is.

Shay signing with the Houston Astros.
Shay signing with the Houston Astros.
“I want to perform well and glorify God with my performance, but I can easily become obsessed with succeeding, and suddenly, performance has taken the driver seat in my life. And that spot is reserved for God. There is a fine balance between the pursuit of performance and faith, that baseball has taught me. Whenever I am struggling, I remember that my faith is my career, not baseball. And all other activities I do should play a role in strengthening my relationship with God.”

As Shay looks ahead to all that his career will entail, he says that he wants to play everyday like it’s his last. As he prepares for what baseball will bring, he says that it is his goal to grow both on and off the field with every chance that he gets.

“One thing I know is that sports are temporary, but God is forever. Therefore, as long as I play this game, I want to pursue God like it’s the last day of my life, and when my career is over, whenever that is, I don’t want to have any spiritual regrets. I want my teammates to know the God I serve and all the people watching as well. I also want to squeeze every ounce of personal growth in my faith that baseball has to offer me so I can understand who God is that much more.”

Shay also says that he knows that the game of baseball won’t last forever, and that is something he is comfortable with. For as long as he gets to play the game, he says he looks to use it as his way to point others to God.

“In terms of how I will use my platform and gifts, I feel like there are many convictions that God will reveal if I keep him in the center. If he continues to have baseball be my mission field, then I know he will guide me in the right direction on how to use my platform to bring His kingdom glory!”

As Shay has shined on the field throughout the 2023 season, he finds the most joy and fulfillment in who he is away from the field. As he looks to be a beacon of life and spread joy, love, and kindness everywhere that he goes, he looks to always use his gifts for something greater than himself. As he takes the field, he thanks God for the ability to play the game he loves and looks to always glorify God through it all.


Ethan Kruse

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